Common information



Installing sqlFree Requirements for running sqlFree: You must at least have java1.3.1 installed. Recommended is java1.4.x

Installing sqlFree is easy. It comes with its own installationroutine. Just follow the instructions during the process. To start the installer do one of the following:

  • Type on the commandline: java -jar sqlFreeAll.jar
  • Windows only: Doubleclick sqlFreeAll.jar in your Fileexplorer.

An uninstallation routine will be also installed automatically. So if you want to clean up and remove sqlFree call the appropriate jar-file the same way as you have been calling the installation routine.

Starting sqlFree as application:

  • Windows: bin\windows\startSqlFreeApp.bat
  • Unix systems: bin/unix/
Running sqlFree as applet sqlFree can also be run as applet. Especially if your local PC is configured for specific database access you can access your PC from anywhere you like by this applet. A small webserver which is shipped with sqlFree will offer you this opportunity. To start do the following.


  1. bin\windows\startSqlFreeRMIServer.bat
  2. bin\windows\startWebserver.bat

The URL needed for your browser will be displayed on the console by startWebserver.bat

Unix systems:

  1. bin/unix/
  2. bin/unix/

The URL needed for your browser will be displayed on the console by

JDBC driver information sqlFree was designed to be used in combination with any JDBC driver. A list of JDBC drivers which are shipped with sqlFree for your convenience is available: [Technical information]. 

To use your own JDBC-drivers just copy them into the lib-directory and restart sqlFree. Specify your databaseparameters afterwards in the [Database configuration page].

The log-file will give you very much information about what is happening or if any errors occur. Have a look there if necessary.


License issues Registration can be obtained at []
As long as sqlFree is being used as Shareware there will be some limitations in use.

If you have purchased a registrationcode just put the cryptic looking line into the file cfg/license.sqlFree


Only "738;rYkftkcth28352fs52e43" should be put into the file cfg/license.sqlFree.


Configuration In the following you'll find information on which configuration possibilites you have in the file cfg/configSqlFree.xml:
  • You can extend the contextmenu in the databasebrowser: For own output formats - others than the offered XML-format - you may implement your own XSL-stylesheets on basis of the XML-format of sqlFree. To transform the XML with your stylesheet out of the application just put another entry beneath: /data/common/contextmenu/dbbrowser/entry
  • If you want to enhance the default entries in the comboboxes offered in the Database configuration window have a look at
  • To setup your own profile - which only is a specific combination of driverclass, databasename etc. - add your own profile block at /data/display/preconfigured/config. See the predefined config-blocks for examples.
  • The result viewer is not able to display values of binary data types properly. Therefor this specific data can be saved to disk and be viewed afterwards. Which datatypes shall be treated as binary data can be specified at /data/database/binarydatatypes/type. Just put the name of the datatype there and restart sqlFree.





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