Viewing results


The resultviewer displays results lazily. Means that the parameter you have entered in the DB configuration window for "reading results at once" is responsible for how many rows are fetched at each reading cycle. If you would like to change the number of results read the next you click "Get next results", then choose the database you are currently working on in the treeview and change the number. 

Be careful with "Get remaining results". If there are many left results this may take a while or even can be too much data for sqlFree.

Note: A lazy-read mechanism is implemented. Only the shown results are read from the database. Binary data cannot be shown in the viewer. Instead you are offered a button with which you may save the binary data to disk.

This context-menu is being displayed if you right-click your mouse on the appropriate node in the treeview. You have the possibility to
  • Remove the selected node from the view
  • Generate a XML representation of your results
  • Generate an INSERT-script from the displayed data



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